How to Treat Your Pet for Ringworm

The first step in treating your pet for ringworm is to determine the cause. There are several treatments available. Some of these treatments are applied to the skin, while others require a prescription. To ensure that your pet is getting the best treatment, you should check their skin regularly. You should also treat other animals living in your home to prevent the spread of the infection.

A veterinarian can help you with a physical exam of your pet. They will also review your background history, including how the symptoms developed and what may have caused the condition. Your veterinarian may recommend a medicated shampoo or a medicated lotion. Always thoroughly wash your hands after touching your pet. Make sure to keep the cage clean and dry as well.

The most common areas affected by ringworm are the face, neck, and back. Rats with this condition are more likely to scratch their skin, which may lead to an infection. Lesions from these infections are often accompanied by erythema and papules. In some cases, they may spread to the head or neck.

The fungus responsible for causing ringworm is a type of dermatophyte. This species feeds on keratin in the skin, nails, and hair. Rats that are infected with ringworm are contagious, and they can easily spread the infection to other animals.

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