How to Get Rid of Rats Hide in Ovens

Rodents love warm places and can cause extensive damage to home appliances like ovens and dishwashers. Their droppings and urine can also cause electrical shorts and a foul odor. Often, dead rodents will nest inside oven thermal insulation, contaminating it and causing problems with airflow. Not only can rodents ruin the look of a brand new oven, but they can also spread diseases like salmonella and tapeworms, which are deadly to humans.

If you suspect that mice have infested your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of mice and other pests. First of all, turn off the gas valve in your oven and disconnect the gas intake hose. Next, pull the oven away from the wall and inspect it closely. Look for obvious signs of mouse activity such as a mouse-sized hole, scratch marks, and droppings. You may also want to check behind the sinks and pipes to find where mice are gaining access to these parts of your home.

Another thing you can do is spray peppermint oil on cotton balls and strategically place them around appliances. The scent from the peppermint oil will deter rats, but the scent will wear off in time. In addition, you should also make sure to thoroughly clean your ovens and stoves on a regular basis.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!