How to Feed Hedgehogs Without Attracting Rats

You can feed hedgehogs without attracting rats by following some precautions. First of all, make sure that the enclosure you use for hedgehogs is clean and free of any food debris. Next, you should supervise the feeding of the hedgehogs. Rats do not like to be near humans and they will not approach your hedgehog when you are feeding it. Another thing you should keep in mind is that hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, so they prefer to hunt for food at night. You should keep a shallow dish of water available at all times for hedgehogs, so they can drink water and eat.

Rats and hedgehogs like to hang around gardens at night, so be careful about leaving out food at night. You can also keep a compost pile in your yard to provide food for hedgehogs, but make sure to turn it regularly to avoid attracting rats. If you do decide to leave out food, you should make sure to watch the hedgehogs while they eat to avoid accidentally attracting rats.

Another precaution that you can take is to avoid feeding your hogs with tinned food. It’s best to feed the hogs with plain, cooked meat rather than processed foods. Also, avoid giving them anything with a lot of additives. Tinned dog and cat food should be meat-based, without gravy. However, if you’re worried about the smell of wet food, you should consider feeding them with dried cat or dog food. This is much easier to handle and can be found at many food stores. It’s also relatively inexpensive.

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