How to Deal With Rats in My Garden
If your garden has been invaded by rats, there are several ways to deal with the problem. First, you must identify the source of the problem. A good way to do this is to check your neighbors’ garden. If your neighbours have not had a problem with rats before, they may have taken measures to stop them. If they haven’t, you can point them to articles and websites about rat control.
Rats love gardens and will settle in them to breed. If you have a garden with many food sources, hiding areas, and sprinklers, you can expect them to start to move in. When rats arrive in your garden, they’ll choose the most convenient place for nesting, which is usually a sewer nearby.
If rats are causing problems in your garden, the best way to control them is to remove their food sources. You can do this by removing rat food bowls or containers that are a source of water. You can also place chicken wire around the base of your compost bin to prevent them from digging underneath it.
Rats and mice are not only destructive, but they are also a health threat. They carry diseases and can cause injury to people and pets. Rats also live in garages, which makes them ideal places for these creatures to live. In addition to causing damage in your garden, these creatures can also infect your plants and spread diseases and parasites. Although the brown rat is the most common species that inhabit gardens in North America, several other mouse species and even a few vole species can also make use of your garden’s food sources.