How Rats Get Into Your Car and How You Can Get Rid of Them

The CDC has warned that rodents are increasingly becoming more invasive and are increasingly entering vehicles. While this can be disastrous for people who rely on their cars to get around, rodents are not only a source of damage to your car but can be potentially deadly as well. Here are three ways that rats get inside your car and how you can get rid of them. Once you know how rats get inside your car, you can stop them from causing damage to your vehicle.

The first step is to check your car for signs of rat infestation. If you notice a strong smell of urine or if you notice a check engine light, the problem could be a rat nest. If you’re not sure, you can have a mechanic check your car to check for signs of rat infestation.

Rats are attracted to warm, enclosed spaces, like a car engine. They’ll nest in the nooks and crannies of the engine compartment. Because of this, the car engine compartment is a great place for rats to find a safe, dry place. Moreover, the residual heat from the engine is ideal for keeping rodents warm.

One way to stop rodents from invading your car is to make sure there’s no food around. Children, for example, are notorious for dropping food crumbs all over the car. Keeping food out of your car will ensure that you’re free of mice in the future. Additionally, it’s important to keep your vehicle as dark as possible. Because rodents are afraid of light, they tend to sneak into vehicles at night.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!