How Often Do Rats Get Pregnant?

Unlike humans, rats have a very small uterus, and the uterus does not contain strong muscles. Therefore, they rely on their abdominal muscles for delivery and expulsion. Rats give birth to their babies head first or tail first. The uterus of the mother rat is often ruptured during delivery. Babies of stressed mothers can either be abandoned or aborted. Alternatively, a mother may give birth to a litter of several babies.

Rats are capable of breeding year-round. They can become pregnant as soon as 21 to 28 days after giving birth. They are capable of producing six to thirteen pups. In the same year, one female rat can produce as many as eight litters. These rats are remarkably prolific, and they can produce a full blown infestation within a very short time.

Rat reproduction is affected by several factors, including age, diet, malnutrition, abnormal light cycles, cold environments, tumors, and inadequate nesting materials. In addition, pregnant female rats may choose to abort their babies for several reasons. Some may even choose to eat their own babies, if they do not have enough food, water, or nesting material.

Rats give birth five to six times a year. A female rat may give birth to up to a dozen babies in one year. However, it is recommended that you prevent these rodents from establishing a large population. By taking measures to prevent an infestation, you can keep your home rodent-free.

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