How Much Do Rats Cost in Australia?

Rats are a popular pet in Australia. They are fairly small, growing to a body length of 12-15cm (5-6”) with a furless tail that’s around the same length. The male rat’s face is wide and brick-like, while the female rat’s is short and narrow. The coat of a rat varies from white to black, and colours include red, blue, chocolate, and champagne. The eyes of a rat are black.

RAT prices in Australia have been soaring, thanks to a lack of supply. Many suppliers have been forced to redirect products from Europe, which carries a higher cost. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission recently announced that it will study pricing and the availability of RATs in Australia.

RATs are usually free for people with concession cards, but they may need to be obtained by individuals with certain health conditions. For example, people who have been exposed to COVID-19 or who have been in contact with infected rats can be offered free tests. These tests require no appointment and can be done within 24 hours.

RAT prices are also subject to price gouging. Under Australian law, if a retailer sells RATs at a price greater than 20% over their retail value, they are guilty of price gouging. If a tobacconist purchases RATs from a chemist, for example, he could face legal action for overcharging customers.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!