How Much Do Rats Cost?

Buying a rat can be expensive, especially if you choose a rare breed. They require lots of care, and veterinary bills can add up quickly. It is important to have a vet’s emergency fund set aside. It is a good idea to set aside $200 for every rat, and replenish the fund as needed.

Rats require a balanced diet, so you will need to purchase block food. You can also spend $20-30 on cage accessories. Rats are also prone to chewing, so you’ll need to purchase new toys and bedding sooner rather than later. You should also keep in mind that cage accessories can be a bit pricey, so make sure you can budget accordingly.

The average cost for a rat is between $300 and $500, but costs can increase with medical emergencies. Set aside at least $150 for unexpected costs, and remember to set aside another $50 for emergencies. Rats can also be adopted from rescue organizations, where adoption fees are typically $15 to $20. The adoption fee is higher if the rat is neutered or spayed. Renting a cage from a shelter can cost as much as $50.

A rat’s cost depends on many factors, including where you buy the rat and how many you wish to keep. The price of a rat’s cage and supplies is a major part of the price, and you must be prepared to provide the best care possible. If you can’t afford a cage, then you may want to wait until you have the money to provide for a rat’s needs.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!