How Much Are Rats in Australia?

Rats are a great pet for people who want a unique pet. They are commonly owned by people with small spaces and want a companion to cuddle and play with. Rats are also very fastidious about cleanliness, which is why you should change their bedding and water daily. You can also buy a rat hammock if you want to give each rat their own space.

A recent spike in rodent populations in Australia has farmers’ hearts racing. This year, Australia’s southern and eastern agricultural regions have been ravaged by months-long plagues of mice. This plague comes after years of drought and devastating wildfires. In addition, the heavy rainfall in the last few months has created ideal conditions for rodent reproduction. As a result, farmers are scrambling to find a new source of income. Some have even taken up residence in homes or barns.

The demand for COVID-19 vaccine is high across Australia. This increase in demand has prompted the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to set up Taskforce LOTUS, which is responsible for investigating price gouging of RATs in the country. The Australian government warns that reselling the COVID-19 test for more than 20% of the original retail price can result in up to five years in jail and a $66,000 fine.

The user-pays model of rapid antigen self-testing also exacerbates inequities. The cost of RAT kits has led to charitable organisations to purchase kits for socioeconomically disadvantaged consumers. The government, however, does not fund RAT kits for the general public.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!