How Much Are Rats As Pets At Home?

Compared to other pets, rats are relatively cheap. You can get them for $20 or less. However, keeping them as pets can be expensive. You will need to buy a cage, feeding bowls, toys, and wheels. In addition, they will need a vet visit and vaccinations. This can all add up quickly, so you should save for these costs.

If you want to keep rats as pets at home, you will need to set aside some money each month. Investing in second-hand equipment can help you save on the initial costs. You can also look for used cages on eBay or in rat-specific Facebook groups. While insurance is not necessary, it is a good idea to set aside a portion of your income to cover unexpected costs. If you cannot afford to pay for specialized bedding, you can use shredded paper, which is free and easy to find. However, you will need to change bedding more often than commercial products.

A rat’s cage should be cleaned daily and the bedding should be changed weekly. It needs clean water to drink and a diet consisting of pellets specifically formulated for rats. It should also be provided with a smooth-sided toy wheel and a daily out-of-cage time. Rats should be taken to the veterinarian regularly for health checks, as some rats develop uterus infections, respiratory tract diseases, or breast tumors.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!