How Many Rats Do I Need?

When it comes to rat ownership, the number of rats you have is a big consideration. Your rat cage must be big enough to house several adult rats, and you should avoid placing juvenile rats in it. Your rat will spend up to 22 hours in its cage every day, so make sure it is spacious and interesting to look at.

Rats are always looking for food. Because their eyesight isn’t great, they won’t wander far. If the pickings are slim, they will use whatever is available for a nest. They will only leave the nest to feed. If you want to breed your own rats, make sure you de-sex them first.

Rats prefer places where humans live. They will adapt to their new neighborhood very quickly. They will feed in private yards, restaurants, and homes. They also prefer scraps of food from community refuse disposal sites and trash bags. Rats will also seek shelter in walls, fences, and rubbish piles.

Rats can grow in numbers in a matter of weeks. They can reproduce as many as six times a year, giving birth to litters of between five and eight pups. The best breeders are female rats. They will give birth to live young after six weeks.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!