How Long Do Rats Smell After Dying?

The smell left behind by rats after they die is a horrible one. It’s a combination of different chemicals that gives off a foul odor. These gases include methane and sulfur dioxide. The smell usually lingers around for four to eight weeks. The smell is even stronger in larger animals. The smell will go away on its own eventually. However, there are a few steps you can take to minimize the smell left behind.

The first step to eliminating the smell is to find and dispose of the dead rat. Although this is the fastest way to remove the smell, it will not immediately go away. Instead, it’s best to use an odour neutralizer. You can buy professional odour neutralizers in two main types.

When rats die, their bodies begin to decompose. The resulting smell is an unmistakable mixture of sulfur dioxide, methane, and other chemicals. It can be detected as far away as 1000 feet away or three hundred meters. A rat’s body can release these odors up to two weeks after its death.

Once you find the dead rat, you need to make sure that you clean the area thoroughly. You can use an enzyme cleaner to eliminate bacteria and the foul odor. You may also need to remove the carpet.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!