How Fast Rat Poison Works

When you want to kill rats in your home, you may be wondering how fast rat poison works. In general, it takes about 12 hours for a rat to die after ingesting rat poison. But the length of time will vary depending on the poison you use. Some rat poisons take longer to kill rats than others.

The first factor that will determine the speed of rat poison’s effectiveness is whether the bait is still fresh. Old bait is less effective against rats, as they can become more intelligent over time. Another factor that reduces the effectiveness of rodenticide is the storage conditions. Rats are known to be very smart, and they will avoid bait that is not fresh.

In general, rats have a purpose in our ecosystem. They carry seeds underground, where they grow into new vegetation. Additionally, they are a source of food for many predators. Thus, killing them is cruel and inhumane. A dead rat is likely to be eaten by another animal that can take its place.

Once you’ve poisoned a rat, you’ll have to wait a few days for the poison to take effect. This gives rats time to travel back to their nesting areas, where they will die. Once there, the dead rat will decompose and attract flies and maggots. Some people may also need to cut holes in the walls to remove dead rats.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!