How Exercise Balls Are Not Safe For Rats

Exercise balls are not safe for rats. Not only do they hurt their tail, but they can also cause your pet rat to lose its sense of direction. These balls also don’t allow your rat to use its other senses, such as scent. Your pet rat’s sense of smell is essential in helping him navigate the environment.

The best way to keep rats safe is to make sure that they use exercise balls that are the appropriate size for your pet. A bigger ball will help your pet rat reduce the risk of back injuries and give them more room to move around. You should also limit the amount of time your pet rat spends in the exercise ball.

Another type of exercise ball for rats is an exercise wheel. Although these wheels are popular with pet rats, they can also be dangerous. Rats can break their toes and tail on these wheels. Make sure the exercise wheel is large enough for your rat’s cage. Small wheels can also cause injury.

If your rat has a limited sense of direction, it is best to choose a ball that is the right size for your pet. For example, the Mega Run-about ball is 13 inches in diameter. This ball is ideal for adult and juvenile rats, but it is too small for guinea pigs. It is also large enough to fit inside the Kaytee Hamtrac.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!