How Do Rats Come in the House?

If you’re worried that you might have a rat infestation in your home, the first thing to do is to conduct a thorough inspection of your home. Look for obvious entry points, such as vents, drains, and appliance lines. If you find any of these, seal them up. You can also set traps to catch rats.

Another way to catch rats is to keep food out of the house. Rats are attracted to the food left on your countertops, so make sure you wash everything well and place it in airtight containers. In addition, inspect the airtightness of your home and seal any large cracks. You should also repair any broken air bricks. Also, keep your cupboards and windows tidy and remove any materials that could be used by rats as nests.

In addition to their odor, rats can cause damage to your home. They can chew on storage containers, paper, and electrical cords. They can also eat leftover food and other items on your counters. Furthermore, rats can carry diseases that are dangerous for humans. You can get infected with various diseases from the rodents, so it is important to remove all signs of infestation as soon as possible. And remember, rats don’t just come out at night; they live inside your walls.

Rats come into the house for many reasons, but their main reason for entering your home is to find a source of water. Since rats need water every day, they often look for water sources inside your home. Even small leaks, drippy sprinkler heads, and birdbaths are common places for them to enter your home. If your home is not watertight, rats can squeeze through a half-inch hole and find a way in.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!