How Common Are Rats in Gardens?

It is no secret that rodents are a serious problem in gardens. These animals will destroy your plants and crops and may even cause disease in your garden. It is best to prevent rodents from entering your garden by keeping the soil and yard as clean as possible. Inspect your yard for any debris and look for mounds of soil. Pocket gophers leave behind heart-shaped mounds, which indicate their presence.

In order to control rats in your garden, first you need to understand how they live. Rats prefer to live in areas that are protected from predators. This includes areas with tall weeds and dense plantings. Bushes and ivy around buildings are particularly appealing to them. Rats can live in a burrow anywhere from one to six feet deep and will usually have an entrance and exit hole. The average burrow can accommodate eight rats. Counting these burrow holes can help you determine the number of rats in your garden.

Once you find rat nests, you can take measures to prevent them from returning. If you’re working with plants, make sure to use nontoxic chemicals and dispose of waste in trash cans. You can also use rat traps to kill the rats. However, remember that poisoned bait and rat poison should never be placed near food-growing areas.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!