How Can Rats Make Holes in the Wall?

Rats can make holes in your wall for several reasons. For one thing, they can chew through a wide variety of materials, including wood and certain metals. Another reason they can chew through a wall is because they have very strong jaws. Consequently, you may need to repair loose or cracked bricks in order to prevent rats from entering your home.

Glue traps can be extremely effective, though they are considered inhumane. This type of trap entraps the rat in a patch of extremely strong glue. Once caught, you must then kill the rat to remove it from the wall. If you cannot kill the rat yourself, you may want to call a pest control service.

A more effective way to prevent rats from entering your home is to prevent them from entering the home by digging below the surface of the wall. Moreover, you can seal the cavity to make it more difficult for rats to enter it. These steps can help you prevent rat infestation from further developing. But if these preventative measures fail to stop the infestation, you may need to find a professional rat exterminator to come to your home and perform a thorough inspection.

Although they are small, rats have extraordinary strength and speed in chewing through walls. A single rat can chew through a thin wall in a matter of hours or even weeks. In fact, a rat’s jaws are 5.5 on the Mohs scale, making them incredibly strong. The resulting holes in a wall can be huge, so it’s important to take steps to prevent rats from getting inside your house.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!