How Can Rats Become Depressed?

Rats are incredibly resilient animals. However, when they reach an old age, they may find it harder to bounce back from emotional knocks. They may start shaving their fur or become unkempt. These behaviors are often a sign of depression. You may want to seek professional help for your rat if this occurs.

There are a number of causes and treatments of depression, and researchers have long been searching for one that works across the spectrum. But now, a new study published in Science Express shows that it may be possible to alter depression through its environmental aspects. Researchers at Northwestern University found that placing depressed rats in large cages with toys, places to hide and climb reduced their depressive behavior.

One of the best ways to treat depression in rats is to give them attention and treats. When rats feel sad, they will exhibit signs of restlessness and decreased appetite. They will also exhibit aggression and bite more than usual. They may even be drowsy or sleep most of the day. These signs of depression can lead to further health problems for your rat.

If you notice your pet rat acting depressed, it may be due to loneliness. It might not be depression, but it will want to play with you and cuddle with you. It may even start to respond well to treats when given a chance to socialize.

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