How Big Of A Cage Do I Need For Two Rats?

Rat cages come in a variety of sizes and types. Some of them come complete with food and water dishes, ramps, ladders, and entertainment items. Others have additional components such as hammocks, a ramp, or a hutch. If you decide to buy a cage for your new rat pair, be sure to consider their specific needs.

A good cage for two rats should have enough space for both rats. Ideally, there should be about an inch of space between the bars. Some cages have vertical bars, while others are entirely horizontal. The horizontal bars will make climbing easier and attaching toys more convenient.

Rats need a large cage for exercise and enrichment. A fifteen-gallon aquarium is a suitable cage for two rats, though a 20-gallon one is even better. If you have room, choose a wire cage that’s at least two feet square. It should also have a solid bottom and small-mesh wire netting to prevent rats from getting their feet stuck. Be careful not to purchase a chinchilla run, which will not meet this criterion.

Rats need enough space to stand on their hind legs and have enough space over their heads. Rats also need enough floor space to walk around. The preferred floor area of a rat cage is about 32×20 inches.

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