Does Rat Poison Expire?

The best way to ensure rat poison remains effective is to store it in an airtight container. The expiration date on the package is also important, as poison can break down over time and become less effective. It is important to keep the poison out of the reach of children and pets to prevent its misuse.

Some poisons do not expire. Instead, their potency will decline over time, depending on the chemical. Exposure to air or sunlight will make the chemicals less potent, while other types will break down into less potent substances. If the label specifies an expiration date, you should replace the poison immediately. Expired poison will still kill rats, although the poison will be less effective.

Rat poison can last for up to one year, but proper storage will extend its shelf life. You should keep it in an airtight container that is locked away. To avoid the poison from being tampered with, make sure the container is labeled “poison” on the outside.

Once you purchase rat poison, it’s important to store it in a secure place and ensure that it is kept in a cabinet or other place out of the reach of children and pets. Rat poison should be stored in an airtight container in an unreachable location, such as a garage or shed.

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