Do Rats Need Chew Toys?

Rats need chew toys for several reasons. Their teeth are always growing and need different materials to chew on. As a result, they will chew on things that they shouldn’t. This can cause a lot of damage. So, what can you do to provide them with chew toys? There are many different options available.

Wood is a great choice. Be sure to choose nontoxic, untreated wood for your rat. Branches from willow trees or apple trees are ideal. Hard-shelled nuts are another great option. These are high in fat and provide plenty of chewing opportunities. Wooden chews are also available at pet stores.

Plastic toys are not safe for rats because they could splinter in the rat’s mouth or on its body parts. Toys that are painted or made of flimsy fabric are also not safe for your rat. If you are unsure about the safety of a particular toy, check with your veterinarian first.

Rats enjoy playing with a variety of toys. Choosing toys that speak to their instincts and abilities is key. Rats love to chew, climb, and tunnel, so you should choose toys that speak to these activities. You can also make your own toys if you have time.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!