Do Rats Kill Squirrels?

Rats and squirrels are two members of the same rodent family, but they have completely opposite diets. Rats are carnivores, and they will eat everything from dead animals to fungus-covered bread loaves. In the wild, squirrels and rats can sometimes coexist, but not in a harmonious relationship.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. Public opinion skews overwhelmingly in favor of the squirrel. Although rats may carry diseases, squirrels don’t seem to be as likely to transmit disease to humans. In addition, when people see rats, they often react with recoiling and fainting.

Rats are also a threat to the environment. Exposure to rat poison disrupts the natural food chain and can harm other species. Several people have urged for a ban on rat poison due to the environmental impact of its use. Although rats are a pest problem, there are ways to get rid of them humanely. For example, you can buy spring traps, which are smaller and concealable. You’ll need to put bait in them, and once the rat enters them, the spring will snap shut.

Although rats are not known to kill squirrels, they will kill smaller mammals, such as mice and birds. They are not likely to attack humans, but they are known to kill other animals for sport.

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