Do Rats Cause Bed Bugs?

There is no definitive answer to the question: do rats cause bed bugs. The answer to this question depends on the nature of the infestation and the location of the infestation. Infestations can occur in apartments, dormitories, and homes. They can also be found in community centers, buses, and used furniture outlets. Although they were once relatively scarce in North America, bedbug populations have recently returned.

Bedbugs can be spotted by lifting your bed sheets and turning on a flashlight to look for bite marks. They can also be detected by the presence of blood stains on the bedding. If you suspect your home has bedbugs, it is best to hire a professional inspector. These professionals know how to identify and treat bedbug infestations.

Rats are known to carry mites that are similar to bedbugs. These tiny parasites live in rat nests and feed on the blood of rats. Although they prefer rat blood, they will also feed on human blood. Usually, they feed at nighttime, when the host rat is not in the area. These parasites are hard to spot because they are so tiny.

Although mice do not carry bed bugs, they can bring other parasites inside the home on their fur. If you suspect that your bedroom has been infested, encase the bed and box spring with bed bug proof covers. This will prevent bed bugs from getting onto the host and will make it impossible for the host to wake up with a bedbug on their body.

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