Do Rats Avoid Houses With Cats?

One of the most common questions about house rats is “do rats avoid houses with cats?” The answer isn’t as simple as a simple “yes” or “no” to the question. A cat is not a good predator of rats, but they can keep mice and rats away from a house. The presence of a cat in a home can greatly reduce the number of rats in a house.

Cats only attack juvenile rats, and their effect on the overall rat population is minimal in urban areas. One study in Baltimore found that after removing half of the population, rat numbers quickly rebounded. Cats killed as much as 500 grams of rat, but most of their kills were under 200 grams.

Keeping multiple cats is problematic because cats are territorial, and their urine can carry diseases. Rats can also pass diseases to cats and dogs. They may even catch and spread disease to humans. In addition, cats are known to mark their territory with urine and can transfer disease from rats to humans and dogs.

Another way cats can help reduce rodent populations is to purchase barn cats, which are used to living outdoors. They also get a lot of excitement from hunting. However, you will need to provide a source of cat food for them, which may attract other wildlife. Although cats are excellent against rats and mice, a large population can overrun them.

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