Controlling Rats in Your Home

The first step in controlling rat infestations in your home is to make sure your property is free of clutter. Clutter attracts rats and they will use it as a nest. It is important to remove any clutter from your property, especially any that has a lot of shredded paper and other material that rat’s can chew through. Once you’ve removed clutter from your property, the next step is to seal off any entry points that rats might be able to use. One way to do this is to fill in small gaps with wire wool or other material that is hard to chew.

Rats enter houses through small gaps, and once inside, they’ll leave droppings and gnawing marks. These marks are often small or circular, and are often a few inches deep. They also leave behind a musk-like smell and often leave small holes in the walls and floors.

Firewood piles are another source of shelter for mice and rats. Not only do these piles provide food, they can also act as a shelter for rodents. Other locations where rodents find shelter are flowerbeds and shrubs near your home. While some of these factors are beyond your control, addressing them can help prevent rat infestations and reduce the damage they do.

When rats start affecting your home, make sure you get rid of any food left out. Rodents love leftovers, so make sure you remove them as soon as you can. Also, make sure any food items are stored in airtight containers. You should also check the house’s airtightness and make sure that any large gaps in floorboards and cracked air bricks are sealed. In addition, you should keep cupboards and other areas of the house neat and tidy and remove any materials that could be used as nests.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!