Can You Use Wood Pellets For Rats?

When it comes to rat litter, you may wonder: Can you use wood pellets for rats? The answer is yes, but only certain kinds of wood are safe for rats. For example, hardwoods are ideal for litter because they do not emit noxious fumes, and they can be easily chipped and used to create large piles. Another disadvantage of hardwoods is that they tend to be dusty and messy.

Another option is to use shredded cloth. This can be easily used for bedding and litter, and it is also washable and reusable. However, make sure to use fabrics that do not produce long threads, which can get tangled in the rat’s paws and tail.

If you cannot use wood pellets for rats, cardboard substrate is another option. It is also made of recycled cardboard, which makes it ideal for rats. These substrates are available in small squares and soft strips. These substrates are ideal for rats with respiratory problems or nest building issues, but their absorbency is not as good as other substrates, and they can smell more quickly.

Sawdust and wood shavings are not good options for rats. They are not heat-treated and have phenols. They also contain small particles that can irritate the sensitive respiratory system. They will spread easily. Furthermore, they will contaminate your home and cause allergies.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!