Can You Use Sawdust For Rats?

If you’re a rat owner, you’ve probably wondered: “Can you use sawdust for rats?” The truth is that sawdust is not the best choice. Not only is it not good for rats’ health, but it’s also quite dusty and may trigger your rat’s allergies. In addition, it may contain phenols, a substance that can cause respiratory issues in people.

Fortunately, there are some alternatives that are as safe as sawdust. Soft woods, like cedar, can be used as a bedding. Cedar shavings, for example, contain phenols, which are toxic for rats. Although pine shavings and cedar oils are considered safe, they contain toxic amounts of phenols, which can harm your rat’s respiratory system.

Wood shavings can also be toxic to rats. These shavings are also rough to walk on, which can lead to small cuts and sores. In addition, wood shavings can cause a rat to scratch itself, causing it to develop an itch. To avoid this, you should use recycled paper bedding instead. Recycled paper is more absorbent and softer, so it’s a good choice for rats.

When purchasing bedding, make sure that it’s made of safe materials. The majority of newspaper in the market is made with safer inks. However, there’s a small chance that some white-colored rats might get dirty because of the ink. You can also consider using inexpensive butcher paper or packing paper. Paper is one of the safest materials for rats, and it’s also the most economical. It doesn’t cost much and will keep your rat busy with its activity.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

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