Can You Use Mothballs For Rats?

When you use mothballs to control rat population, it’s crucial to know how much mothballs is necessary for effective results. Rats are extremely hardy creatures that can squeeze through a 1/4″ hole in a wall or door. This makes the use of mothballs for rat control a waste of time. Instead, you should install a heavy-duty steel screen or metal flashing around entry holes.

Mothballs contain naphthalene and need a large quantity to have a noticeable effect. Additionally, the smell is extremely strong and may not be safe for a home with children and pets. Additionally, rats dislike predatory odors. Therefore, their proximity to these odors can have a significant effect on their behavior.

Aside from the harmful effects on rodents, mothballs are also harmful to children and pets. They can accidentally eat mothballs, which could lead to severe problems. Exposure to mothball fumes can cause respiratory issues and even kidney damage. It is important to contact a poison control center immediately if you think you have a rat infestation in your home.

Mothballs are effective for killing mice, but not for controlling rats. It is important to follow the directions on the label so as to limit your exposure to the chemicals. In addition, you should only use mothballs in rooms that are sealed off, as their fumes will accumulate in spaces without proper circulation of air.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!