Can You Use Hay For Rats?

There are many benefits to giving hay to rats, but you should not give hay to your pet rats solely for nutritional value. The dust in hay can cause irritation to your rat’s lungs and can result in health problems in the long run. Therefore, you should only provide hay to your rat in small amounts. However, some types of hay are safe to feed your rat, including oat and timothy hay.

Wood shavings are another common type of substrate that is not suitable for rat housing. They are a common source of phenols, which can be harmful to your rat’s respiratory system. Also, these products are often not heat-treated or dust-extracted, which makes them a poor choice for rat bedding. They also tend to spread easily, which makes them unsuitable for your rat’s cage.

For best results, give your rat a multi-level habitat. Rats enjoy climbing, so a multi-level cage with a solid bottom is ideal. Add bedding and other places for your rat to hide and exercise. Also, include a feeding dish and two sources of fresh water. As for their bedding, newspaper, paper towels, old mittens, and facial tissue make great nesting materials.

The best hay for rats can be purchased at a local pet store, where a pet shop employee can help you select the right type of hay for your rat. If you order it online, make sure to look for timothy or oat hay. These two types are best for foraging and nesting purposes.

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