Can You Use Fleece With Rats?

Rats love to burrow, and using fleece as bedding in their cage will prevent their nails from getting caught. It is an affordable way to keep your rat’s environment clean and comfortable. Fleece also wicks away moisture, making it a great choice for a bedding material. It won’t fray either, which is a huge plus for your rat. Be sure to use a low-heat setting when washing fleece.

You can wash and reuse fleece, but some people worry that it can harbor mold. Mold spores can irritate the respiratory system and cause respiratory illnesses in rats. The fungus Pneumocystis has been linked to pneumonia in laboratory rats. If you are concerned about mold, consider using a hemp-based bedding.

Another option is to use shredded paper. Shredded paper is cheap but it quickly turns smelly and isn’t ideal for bedding. However, it can be useful for those rats who have been litter-trained. While most shredded paper is safe, you should avoid using paper with toxic inks.

Fleece can also be used as bedding. You can place it on the corners or along the edges of the cage. It’s easy for rats to sleep under it and you can also use it as a cover over towels and normal litter. Just be sure to provide a deep tray and diggable substrate as well.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!