Can You Use Carefresh For Rats?

Eco-bedding TM is an eco-friendly rat bedding alternative that contains 100% recycled paper and is dust-free. This type of bedding is suitable for indoor use as it prevents irritation to the respiratory system. Alternatively, aspen bedding is also an option. Aspen is a hard-wood that is non-toxic and very absorbent. However, it can be messy and is prone to odor. CareFRESH is a similar alternative to Aspen but is made of paper pulp and resembles egg carton material. CareFRESH does contain dust and has an unpleasant smell when wet.

Eco-friendly bedding is important for your rat because paper can contribute to dust-related problems. Compared to paper, Carefresh Pet Bedding is 99% dust-free and is made from renewable wood fiber. The material also holds up well to shaping and compaction. In addition, it is completely biodegradable and is great for rats.

If you’re not sure whether to use eco-friendly bedding for your rat, try changing its litter regularly to avoid a foul odor. This will help keep your rat cage cleaner and healthier. By changing the litter regularly, your rat will feel more comfortable and have a more pleasant environment.

Another eco-friendly bedding alternative is CareFRESH, which is widely available in pet stores. This grayish-colored paper pulp product has been shown to be soft and absorbent. It is often used by mice as nesting material. However, it is prone to a “wet paper” smell, so beware. Compared to other bedding options, CareFRESH is more expensive.

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