Can You Have Rats With Cats?

While rats can be great pets, they are not as popular as cats or dogs. It’s possible that societal biases are keeping more people from getting one of these creatures. Rats are social animals and can bond well with other pets, so it’s beneficial to have more than one of them at once.

Rats and cats are unlikely to get along if you leave them alone together. The two animals have different personalities and are not likely to get along. Even if they do get along in the beginning, the animals may not get along in the end. So, when you are deciding on whether to get a rat, make sure you’re sure it’s a good fit for both animals.

Rats and cats can get along fine if they’re kept separated and under close supervision. If you’re not sure if your cats are safe around your rat, keep them in separate rooms. However, cats may feel curious about your pet rats and you should try to introduce them slowly. Be sure to supervise them closely and be ready to intervene if necessary.

It’s best to place your rat cage in a room where your cats can’t reach it. You can block their access by placing boxes or open paper grocery bags. Also, make sure there’s adequate ventilation around the cage.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!