Can You Get Weil’s Disease From Pet Rats?

Leptospirosis is one of the most common and contagious zoonoses and is often spread by rodents. Infected rodents can infect humans and other animals through their urine. Rats and cattle are the most commonly infected. It is usually asymptomatic in humans but can still cause serious disease. Weil’s disease is more severe and can lead to organ failure and death. Treatment may include hospitalization, dialysis, and intravenous antibiotics. It is caused by bacteria called Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus, which are present in rat feces and mouth secretions. Symptoms of the disease can last for three to twenty-one days.

Although simple leptospirosis is usually self-limiting, severe cases can lead to heart, kidney, or liver failure. In such cases, doctors may suggest further medical treatments. These treatments usually include antibiotics administered intravenously, which clear the bacterial infection. However, additional treatments may be needed, depending on the severity of the disease. Dialysis may be necessary if the disease has caused damage to the kidneys.

People can contract Weil’s disease from pet rats and wild rodents. It can be transmitted through contact with urine, saliva, and inhalation of particles from rat bedding. The disease in humans is not common, but those who are infected should be treated immediately. Sanitizing the cage area can help prevent the disease.

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