Can Rats Walk on Ceilings?

Rats have the amazing ability to climb. Unlike mice, rats can scale walls and ceilings. They can even access your dresser or counter tops. If you think your home is infested with rats, it would be best to get rid of them as soon as possible. They will make holes in your walls or floors as soon as they get inside your home. These holes are usually circular, a few inches in diameter, and located a few inches off the floor or close to the walls. Typically, the holes left by rats are accompanied by a distinct musk odor.

Rats are good climbers, and they will use any rough surface as a climbing surface. They have sensitive hairs, which help them navigate in their environment. Because rats use their whiskers to navigate, they can also make their way through tiny holes. Once inside, they will usually prefer to run along the walls. Unlike humans, rats can even climb walls if they aren’t able to enter the room.

Rats are nocturnal and leave their nests at dusk. Unlike mice, they are good at hiding. This means they can exist in large numbers without human awareness. They can also adapt to new routines and food quickly.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!