Can Rats Dig Through Concrete?

If you have a rat problem in your home, you might be wondering, can rats dig through concrete? Rats are able to gnaw through many different kinds of materials, including concrete. However, the most common materials they will chew through are soft metals such as steel. You might also find them gnawing on different kinds of hard plastics and terracotta pipes. Although they do not usually gnaw through concrete, they can cause significant damage if they get inside your house.

Rats rarely dig randomly, but instead tend to dig along vertical surfaces or corners. This is why you see burrows rat have carved into foundations: lintel bridges. These are gaps in foundations that allow sewers, drains, and other services to pass through. These gaps are about 400 – 1000mm deep. Often, builders stop foundations either side of brick walls to prevent rat tunneling beneath the foundation.

Rats have massive front teeth and large claws that enable them to burrow. In contrast, standard house mice are built more for gripping. In addition, the front incisors on the front teeth of modern rodents are continuously growing, which means they must constantly gnaw to maintain their teeth.

Rats are a common pest in the world. They are incredibly destructive. Almost everyone will face rats at some point in their lives, especially in urban areas.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!