Can Rats Affect Asthma?

If you live in a rat-infested area, the first step is to test for rat allergies. Typical allergy tests involve the scratch test and skin prick. These tests measure the amount of allergic reactions to rat allergens. If you develop an allergic reaction, you should see a doctor immediately.

One method involves exposing rats to different aerosols. A nebulizer can provide these aerosols at varying levels. One study examined the effect of these aerosols on a rat’s respiratory system. The rats were placed in a chamber that was attached to a nebulizer. They were then given aerosolized saline to challenge their respiratory system.

Cockroaches and rats produce allergens that can trigger asthma attacks. These creatures are common household pests, and exposure to them may cause symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and coughing. In addition, these rodents release dander, which is a common cause of asthma attacks.

Asthma attacks are caused by inflammation of the airways, which causes inflammation. These triggers include allergens or irritants, such as animal dander and dust mites. Repeated exposure to these substances can intensify allergic reactions. In the long run, pests and rodents can increase the number of asthma attacks in humans. The cause of these attacks is unknown, but studies are continuing to determine if pests are responsible for triggering asthma in humans.

If you live in an inner city, you might be exposed to rodent allergens. One major study found that nearly 20% of children with asthma were sensitized to mice and rats. Further, research has shown that 82% of U.S. homes are infested with rodent allergens. The allergens may be present in the walls and on uneaten food.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

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