Can Pet Rats Cause Allergies?

If you own a pet rat, you may be worried about a number of potential health problems. These creatures are notorious for their sneezing and itchy skin, and may even cause respiratory problems. Symptoms of rat allergies vary and are often based on proteins in their saliva, droppings, or urine. Many of these allergens can be inhaled, which can cause respiratory problems like sinus congestion and asthma.

Fortunately, the Humane Society recommends that people who have allergies to pets clean their cages regularly. This will reduce their risk of triggering an allergic reaction. In addition, owners should wear long pants and fingerless gloves to minimize their exposure to rat saliva. Ideally, cages should be kept in a separate room.

The best way to find out if a rat allergy is causing a flare-up of allergic symptoms is to undergo allergy testing. This can be done by using traditional allergy tests, such as the skin prick test or scratch test. During a skin prick test, a tiny amount of allergens is applied to the skin. If the skin reacts, it will form a welt, which indicates an allergic reaction.

Another way to identify whether pet rats are causing your allergies is to check the location where the rats live. Some rats prefer high nests in attics or walls, and others like low ones. Either way, living in close proximity to a rat’s nest can have some serious consequences for your health and allergies.

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