Are Wire Bottom Cages Bad For Rats?

You may wonder if wire bottom cages are bad for rats. These are popular, and are available from many major chain pet stores. The new cages are available in many styles, sizes, and colors. If you’re not sure which type to get for your rat, consider the following factors.

Wire flooring is especially hard on the paws of a rat. It can cause reddening and imprints on its feet, and over time, this can damage the rat’s paws. This is because the weight and muscle mass of a rat increases the pressure on its feet.

If you’re worried about your rat’s health, you should choose a wire cage that is big enough for two rats. It should have hiding and play areas, toys, and a water bottle. It should also contain soft bedding. Remember, rats are social and need other rats to feel safe.

Another factor to consider is how much exercise your rat gets. Most animals need exercise, and rats are no exception. The best exercise for your rat is access to exercise toys. Exercise toys will not only give your rat physical exercise but also help prevent obesity. Exercise wheels should be at least eleven inches in diameter and large enough for your rat to walk on them.

Martin’s cages are great for smaller ratteries. They are smaller overall, but they feature two balconies and a full middle floor. The balconies will give your rat more vertical space and give it more exercise. The cages are available in powder-coated or galvanized finishes.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!