Are Rats Good Pets For Toddlers?

Rats are a fun and engaging pet for young children. The rats can be trained to behave in different ways and are very intelligent animals. They enjoy being handled and can even ride on your shoulders. Because rats are relatively small and don’t need much exercise, they are perfect pets for toddlers and kids who are in need of some companionship.

According to Dr. Jennifer Graham of Tufts University, small pets are good for toddlers because they teach responsibility. Typical pets for toddlers are gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs, but rats are also considered great pets for toddlers because they are so easy to care for. They are also relatively calm and don’t bite as much as other small mammals.

While rats make excellent pets for toddlers, children should supervise them closely. They should be taught not to squeeze or stuff them in toys or clothes. If they are handled by young children, they should always wash their hands before playing with them. Rats can be easily fooled by the look of a child’s fingers, so always supervise your children and don’t let them pick up the pet.

While rats are a great first pet, the lifespan of a rat is short. Typically, a rat lives two or three years. If your child is interested in keeping a pet, be sure to inform them about the rat’s lifespan. Rats are highly social and easy to handle. In addition to their smaller size, they are low maintenance and can bond quickly with their owners.

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