Are LED Lights Bad For Rats?

Researchers at the University of Arizona have studied the effects of led lights on rats’ pain thresholds. The researchers exposed rats to various light intensities and conditions including ambient room light and 110 lux white LEDs. They then monitored the withdrawal times of the paws of the rats and measured their pain thresholds.

Rats are sensitive to bright light, so exposing them to these lights for extended periods can damage their eyes. In addition, rats are active at night and in low-light environments. Therefore, leaving lights on during these times of the day may disrupt their sleep and activity schedules. So, LED lights are likely to have a negative impact on rat behavior.

Rats are also able to detect different colors, and they are highly sensitive to shades of green and blue. This is one of the reasons why they prefer to stay out of the light during the day. As a result, bright lights can be very annoying to their eyes. They will often come out of hiding when they feel safe. Moreover, rats use their sense of smell to find food and return to their hiding spots unnoticed.

In one study, rats were exposed to short-wavelength blue LED lamps for four, eight, and twelve weeks. During that time, the levels of caspase-1, caspase-like protein, and gasdermin D were measured in the lenses of the rats. These levels were significantly higher in the experimental group compared to the control group at the same time points. The results showed that chronic exposure to blue LED lights can damage the retina.

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