Which Mosquitoes Are the Big Ones?

Depending on the species, mosquitoes live from two to four weeks. The life span of an adult mosquito depends on the temperature and humidity.

The Asian tiger mosquito, also called the Asian elephant mosquito, is the largest mosquito in the world. Its wingspan measures 1.5 inches. It is known to carry Zika virus and heartworm. It has white bands on its legs. It usually does not fly more than a half mile from its breeding site. The scientific name for this mosquito is Aedes albopictus.

In addition to carrying disease, Asian tiger mosquitoes are one of the most aggressive biters. They can carry encephalitis, West Nile Virus, and Dengue Fever.

Aedes aegypti is the most common mosquito vector of Dengue Fever in South America. It also transmits West Nile virus and filariasis. It lays its eggs in water-filled containers such as bird baths and water holding containers around the home.

The Asian tiger mosquito does not lay eggs in marshy areas. It also does not lay eggs in ditches. This is because it needs stagnant water to breed.

The Toxorhynchites speciosus is a common mosquito in Australia. This mosquito feeds on the larvae of other more aggressive mosquitoes. The mosquito flies in vertical loops. It also fires its eggs into water while in flight. It is found along the north and eastern coasts of Australia.

These mosquitoes aren’t known to carry diseases. However, they are nuisances. They can become a problem in southern cities. They lay their eggs in bird baths, water holding containers, and other places.