Which Month Do Mosquitoes Go Away?

Depending on where you live, mosquitoes can be a constant source of annoyance throughout the year. There are over 175 species of mosquitoes in the United States. The majority of them do not carry any diseases. However, some of them are known to carry the deadly West Nile virus.

In the spring and summer, mosquitoes are most active. They hatch and feed from eggs laid the previous year. They avoid direct sunlight to keep their body temperatures up. They are drawn to standing water, such as ponds, pools and stagnant water.

When the weather turns colder, many species of mosquitoes die off. Some of them overwinter as adult mosquitoes in animal burrows. Other species hibernate as larvae. Their eggs wait for spring rains to hatch.

In some areas of the US, the mosquito season is shorter than other regions. For example, in the Northeast, the season is from March to October.

There are ways to keep mosquitoes at bay. Some of the methods include using sprays, traps and repellents. Others include wearing long clothing and securing screens. You can also remove standing water. You may find that this will help reduce mosquitoes in your area.

The weather can also affect the timing of the mosquito season. If you are able to get the weather to stay warm, you may be able to extend the mosquito season. Depending on the species of mosquito, the eggs may be laid earlier in the year.