Where Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Often, the only signs that a mosquito has bitten you are itchy bumps on the skin. These bumps may appear red or swollen. Sometimes, these bumps become sores and may cause pain.

When mosquitoes bite, they use special mouthparts called stylets to penetrate the skin. The stylets include the mandibles, the labrum, and the maxillae. These mouthparts help mosquitoes detect movement, breath, and odor.

Certain types of blood will attract mosquitoes more than others. The blood type O is preferred by mosquitoes, and they will find people with this type of blood more attractive. The blood type A is not very attractive to mosquitoes.

In addition to blood type, mosquitoes may be attracted to your skin odor. Certain bacteria on your skin can also be a factor in their attraction. Keeping your body free of bacteria may help reduce your risk of mosquito-borne illnesses.

Mosquitoes may also be attracted to your body’s temperature. During the summer months, mosquitoes may be more active than at other times of the year. A recent study shows that mosquitoes are more likely to bite people wearing darker colors.

Several studies have shown that certain foods and drinks make people more attractive to mosquitoes. The research is still very preliminary and it is not certain what foods make people more attractive to mosquitoes.

In addition, a recent study suggests that people wearing orange and red colors attract mosquitoes. Some scientists believe this may be because they have more body mass.