What Month Should I Spray For Mosquitoes?

Getting bitten by mosquitoes is unpleasant, but there are ways to keep them at bay. The trick is to find the right time to apply your spray. The optimum time to spray for mosquitoes is during the cooler months, but the season is actually quite long in the south and southwest.

Mosquitoes aren’t the only critters that can cause a nuisance. There are several types of insects that carry diseases and transmit them to humans and animals.

The best way to avoid mosquitoes is to avoid standing water in your yard. This means keeping your yard free of debris, cleaning and repairing leaks in your structure, and clearing your gutters and window screening. You can also reduce your risk of mosquito bites by maintaining a healthy population of birds, bees and other pollinators.

In the southeast, where the mosquito season lasts through the summer, you’ll want to spray your yard to get rid of mosquitoes. Among the most common types of mosquitoes in this region are Asian Tiger mosquitoes. These critters can survive only a few days in cold temperatures and will soon succumb to the warmer weather.

In some parts of the country, the mosquito season might not start until early March, whereas in others, it could be as early as October. In any case, you should get started on your mosquito spray regimen early to avoid the worst of the worst.

The best way to do this is to survey your yard and find out where the mosquitoes are hiding. A good first step is to seal any cracks in your house or other structures. Then, patch any tears in your window screening.