What Month Do Mosquitoes Go Away?

Depending on where you live, mosquitoes are usually active throughout the year. Some species of mosquitoes hibernate in winter. Others die off when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

The midwest region of the US experiences mild winters, so mosquitoes tend to be less active in the fall and winter. However, warmer temperatures can extend mosquito season. Fortunately, there are ways to fight off mosquitoes.

The best way to prevent mosquitoes is to keep your property free of stagnant water. Water-filled containers, such as birdbaths, can be an ideal breeding ground. If you have unused watering cans or potted plants, consider storing them out of the rain. You can also add screens to your windows and doors to block mosquitoes from entering.

In addition, you can protect yourself from mosquitoes by walking through your property daily. Avoid peak hours for mosquito activity, such as dusk and dawn. During the late afternoon, mosquitoes are less likely to be seen. If you have a porch or deck that you use for relaxing, you can consider installing a screen.

You can also prevent mosquitoes from reproducing by circulating water in birdbaths. If you have a gutter that collects rainwater, obstructing it will create a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Toy dump trucks can be used to collect rainwater.

If you notice a large number of mosquitoes in your yard, it might be because of a wet, cloudy spring. A warm spring can boost mosquito season in the northeast.