What Home Remedy Can You Use to Keep Mosquitoes Away?

Keeping mosquitoes away can be difficult, but there are a few home remedies that can help. Some remedies are effective and can be used whenever needed, while others are only good at certain times of the year.

One of the easiest ways to keep mosquitoes away is by burning rosemary and sage. These plants have natural oils that repel mosquitoes. They can also be planted around the house.

Another effective home remedy is tea tree oil. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties in tea tree oil can keep mosquitoes from biting you. Alternatively, you can mix a few drops of the oil in water and spray it around the house.

Coffee grounds can also be a good repellent. They can be spread around puddles of standing water to keep mosquitoes from breeding.

In addition, you can use citronella candles and egg cartons. These items will keep mosquitoes away for up to two hours. However, these products should be formulated properly.

You can also make your own insect spray. This homemade repellent is effective at repelling flies and small onions. You can mix it with water and vinegar or sugar to make it last longer.

Camphor is a popular mosquito repellent. It works by overwhelming mosquitoes’ sense of smell. It widens their nasal airways, which helps them breathe better. It is also known as cold salve. You can burn it, or you can leave it in a closed room for about twenty minutes.