What Essential Oils Can I Use to Keep Mosquitoes Away?

Whether you’re preparing for a summer vacation or just want to avoid mosquitoes while you’re home, there are a few essential oils you can use to keep mosquitoes away. If you’re considering using a natural repellent, it’s important to know which ones are safe and effective.

If you’re looking for a mosquito repellent that’s effective for a long period of time, you might want to try lemon eucalyptus oil. It’s a common insect repellent that’s been used since the 1940s. Compared to other essential oils, it’s more subtle in smell. But it also offers similar protection.

Citronella oil contains citronellal, a compound that masks mosquitoes’ attraction to carbon dioxide and lactic acid on the skin. It also works against fleas and ticks.

Another important part of a successful essential oil repellent is the carrier oil. Before applying, make sure the oil is diluted. Using too much can be irritating. You should also avoid using it on broken or damaged skin.

Peppermint is another good oil to use to repel mosquitoes. It is an effective mosquito repellent because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help to soothe painful bug bites.

Rosemary has a woody scent and it also contains compounds that help to keep mosquitoes away. It can be applied to the skin or added to a spray. You can also burn a candle with rosemary or sage.

You can also mix lemongrass oil with a carrier oil to create a spray. This can be a great way to ward off flies, fruit flies, and other flying insects.