What Can You Use on Dogs For Mosquitoes?

Using a dog mosquito repellent is a good way to keep your pet safe and healthy this summer. It’s also an important part of your overall bite reduction strategy. It’s essential that you choose a repellent that’s appropriate for your dog’s lifestyle and activity.

If you have a dog that spends a lot of time outdoors, you may want to consider a topical spot-on mosquito repellent. These are effective, easy to apply, and can protect your pet from mosquitoes.

You can also keep your pet protected by applying an Elizabethan collar. This will stop the mosquitoes from biting and further infecting your dog. You should always use this product with your veterinarian’s approval.

Another repellent option for your dog is a citronella candle. These contain natural oil and are very popular. However, they can be toxic to your dog. You should never allow your pet to touch the wax.

Other options include using an insect growth regulator, which prevents mosquito larvae from growing. You can also try adding lemon to your dog’s water. But keep in mind that the lemon juice can sting your pets eyes.

You should talk to your vet about any other options that you might consider. Some of these include essential oils, which can be harmful to your pet’s central nervous system and liver. They can also be toxic to cats.

One of the most commonly used mosquito repellents on dogs is DEET. It’s effective and safe, but it can cause a host of side effects. Those effects include seizures, excessive sneezing, and skin irritation.