What Can I Take to Stop Getting Bounded by Mosquitoes?

Getting bitten by mosquitoes is not a pleasant experience. A mosquito bite may cause a sore, itchy welt or swelling. It can also result in an infection. Depending on your reaction to the bite, itching and swelling should subside in about two to three days.

Some people find that antihistamines help with the itching and swelling. They can be found in over-the-counter and prescription forms. These medications can be used to treat both mild and severe reactions.

Other methods of preventing mosquito bites include wearing long pants and long sleeves. You can also use window screens.

To prevent mosquitoes from biting you, use an insect repellent containing DEET. However, DEET should not be applied to your skin in a way that mimics perfume. If you’re planning to be outdoors for a short period of time, try using a lower concentration of DEET.

If you have an itchy welt from a mosquito bite, apply a cool compress to the area. The cold temperature slows the rate at which inflammation occurs. If the welt persists, seek emergency medical attention.

Other natural ways of preventing mosquitoes from biting you include applying aloe vera, calamine lotion, and honey. You can also soothe itchy skin by applying baking soda and water. Some people have reported that itchy welts can be reduced by putting an ice pack over it. You should cover the ice pack with a cloth or towel before applying it.

Using an antibiotic ointment can also reduce the itching and swelling. You should apply the ointment to the bite 3 times a day.