Is There Mosquitoes in Las Vegas?

Depending on the weather, Las Vegas can support mosquito populations from late spring to early fall. However, when the weather is cold, mosquitoes are more likely to swarm.

Mosquitoes are known for spreading many diseases. Some of these include dengue fever, malaria, and West Nile virus. These diseases are not fatal, but they can cause serious illness for older people. Fortunately, you can avoid being bitten by mosquitoes by applying a topical antihistamine.

Las Vegas is not as dry as the surrounding deserts, but it does have areas of standing water. Mosquitoes breed prolifically in stagnant water. To avoid being bitten by these little guys, you should eliminate standing water around your home.

You might be surprised to learn that Las Vegas is home to several species of mosquitoes. In fact, there are about 17 different types. These include Asian tiger mosquitoes, yellow fever mosquitoes, and house mosquitoes.

Although the city is not plagued with mosquitoes, the Southern Nevada Health District has a mosquito surveillance program that includes identifying and trapping mosquitoes. This is an effective method of finding out which mosquito species are prevalent in your community and helps prevent new diseases from spreading to your neighborhood.

The Southern Nevada Health District also conducts fogging operations to control the invasive Aedes mosquito population. If you are in a home, condominium, or apartment in a high-risk area, you should use mosquito netting while sleeping.

There are other ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes, such as wearing a long-sleeved shirt. You should also keep mosquitoes at bay by maintaining your swimming pool. If you have a sprinkler system, check the runoff from the water nozzles.